Wednesday, September 15, 2010

starting something new

i received a DSLR camera for Christmas in 2009. i had no idea how much i would learn to love that single piece of equipment. there is something so satisfying about capturing something that is either a} beautiful or b} so simple that it can be turned into something beautiful, shown from a different perspective.

last week i started an online photography class.

i have thoroughly enjoyed this experience so far. we get tutorials twice a week, but mostly it's an encouragement to get out and start shooting more. each week, we have an assignment for each day, 6 days of the week. it's time-consuming and challenging, but i absolutely love it.

i have had the wonderful opportunity to 'meet' some amazing photographers in the class, who inspire me each day. the class is full of enthusiasm, support, positive reinforcement, and constructive criticism.

for our first week, we learned about aperture. here are a few of the photos that i took throughout the week, focusing on aperture.

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